About Me

Hi! My name is Margy Orozco.

I graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelors degree in Mathematics in December 2016. After teaching High School students in Broward County for 4 years, and tutoring privately for about 8 years, I started up my own tutoring business, Easy As Pi Learning.

After about a year, I was able to expand my business and hire more amazing tutors with various specialties allowing us the ability to help students in different subject areas.

My passion is to help children and young adults learn math and gain confidence in the subject. Sometimes students need guidance to have the learning material made “easy as pi”. Thankfully, now I have tutors on my team with the same passion and mindset in all subjects.

With this new business I will be able to help more than my own students in my classroom, I will be able to help students all over the country, and hopefully one day, the world.